Canadian Disabilities Blog

News, Guides & Information About Disabilities in Canada, Disability Tax Credit & CPP Disability Benefits

Accessible Transit – A Daily Struggle with Accessibility Issues on the TTC.

November 25, 2016 by dccinc

Disability Credit Canada’s mission is to help disabled Canadians qualify for Disability Tax Credit & CPP Disability Benefits and then maximize their tax refunds & credits. We’ve worked with thousands of Disabled Canadians suffering from mental and physical disabilities and we recognize how impactful your condition can be on you hence we regularly advocate for […]

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The challenges and successes of media representation of Disability

November 25, 2016 by dccinc

Disability Credit Canada’s mission is to help disabled Canadians qualify for Disability Tax Credit & CPP Disability Benefits and then maximize their tax refunds & credits. We’ve worked with thousands of Canadians suffering from mental and physical disabilities and we understand how impactful your condition can be on you and your family. Media representations of […]

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Marvel Comics and Disability

November 24, 2016 by dccinc

Doctor Strange tops the Box Office charts for its second week of release making a gross of $153 million dollars so far. This may not be a surprise to many. It is the most recent film in the highly successful Marvel Comics film franchise and has a cast that includes several A-list celebrities, such as Benedict […]

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Disability and Sexuality: Finally Talking about Sex

November 14, 2016 by dccinc

As any person who has ever browsed in the magazine section of a store knows, there is a proliferation of publications devoted to enticing people with respect to attracting a partner, looking fabulous, and feeling sexy. However, I doubt even one of these magazines features a cover, or even an article on women or men […]

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Accessible Transits Making Disable People More Independent

November 11, 2016 by dccinc

Millions of Canadians rely on public transportation every day. Governments are actively promoting using public transit as one of the ways Canadians can do to reduce our carbon footprint.  The lack of accessible transit creates barriers for people with disabilities who rely on public transit to get to where they need to go. Removing the […]

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Canadians are struggling to access medical marijuana

November 3, 2016 by dccinc

Medical marijuana patient registrations keep climbing, but under the new Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR), the plant-based medicine remains all too inaccessible. There are compounding reasons for patient’s difficulty accessing the medicinal herb. Despite the increasing number of patient registrations, Canadian have to navigate the stigma of therapeutically using what had previously […]

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Does Canada Need Canadians with Disabilities Act?

November 2, 2016 by dccinc

Canada likes to think of itself as being on the forefront of social issues. It was the country that pioneered multiculturalism as a policy in the 1970s, the late Lester B. Pearson was a formidable figure in the develop of the U.N., and Canada passed a same-sex marriage law with the enactment of the Civil […]

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Defining Infertility and Singlehood as a Disability

November 1, 2016 by dccinc

What do you see when you think of the word “disability”?  Many people think of the International Symbol of Access – a white stick figure sitting in a wheelchair on a blue background. The International Symbol of Access can be found on many spaces and services for people living with disabilities. For example, on the […]

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The misrepresentation of people with disabilities by the media

October 31, 2016 by dccinc

“Stanger Things”, the Netflix-original science fiction thriller, captivated audiences throughout the summer. Dubbed as one of the hottest shows of 2016, the supernatural plot, heavy dialogue and lovable cast quickly garnered an impressive international fandom. Such sudden and unprecedented exposure is certainly overwhelming, but not wasted. Runaway star Gaten Matarazzo, who plays Dustin Henderson in […]

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Disability and Poverty in Canada: A Persistent Challenge

October 27, 2016 by dccinc

According to a Statistics Canada report in 2012, there are 3.8 million people with a disability in Canada, or 13.7% of the national population. “The data also shows that chronic poverty is an everyday reality for people on disabilities and highlights the need for more attention to poverty reduction strategies such as increases to minimum wage, income security […]

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The Side of Sensory Disabilities Most People Are Not Aware of.

October 25, 2016 by dccinc

Some of the most known sensory disabilities, such as blindness and deafness*, are the result of sensory impairments and there are schemes like Disability Tax credit and CPP disability benefits which can help alleviate some of the financial burden of sensory disabilities. But not all of them. There is a growing awareness of sensory disabilities […]

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Canadian migraineurs not collecting Disability Tax Credit they are eligible for.

October 20, 2016 by dccinc

There are over four million people suffering from migraines in Canada — and roughly half of them don’t seek treatment from their doctor. Since the only way to apply for the Disability Tax Credit is to have a Disability Tax Credit Certificate completed by your doctor, there’s no way these two million Canadians can receive […]

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