Canadian Disabilities Blog

News, Guides & Information About Disabilities in Canada, Disability Tax Credit & CPP Disability Benefits

10 Best Assistive Technologies For Individuals With Down Syndrome 2017 Edition

October 2, 2017 by dccinc

There are some individuals that can do stuff on their own without anyone’s help while there are others that need others’ help in order to complete the same tasks. However, unlike before there are many assistive technologies that are now available that were impossible to even think out in the early 1900s that can help […]

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You Can’t Win: The Downside of Advanced Prenatal Screening

April 17, 2017 by dccinc

Your chest tightens and your throat constricts. The low buzz builds into a sharp ringing in your ears and drowns out your words. But you know you said it aloud because the doctor nods. You know you said it aloud, but you don’t feel any better. “Down syndrome,” you re-read the neat black words. What […]

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6 Stereotypes of Down Syndrome and Their Wrong Perception

September 21, 2016 by dccinc

A lot of people have a wrong perception of down syndrome. This is mainly due to the wrong image that is being fed by society. This leads to many people with prejudice and a lack of knowledge about down syndrome. A recent article in Huffington Post shines a light on these stereotypes and gives examples […]

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