Announcing the 2022 Winner of the DCCI Scholarship for Canadian Students with Disabilities

August 31, 2022 by dccinc

Disability Credit Canada knows that education is a critical step in opening up the doors of opportunity. Yet, for the millions of Canadians living with a disability, pursuing a post-secondary education can come with increased challenges. We recognize just how difficult the education system can be, and so we want to provide Canadian students with disabilities every opportunity to go forth and pursue their academic journeys. That’s why, in 2022, we launched the Disability Credit Canada Scholarship, providing $1,000 to one high school senior student looking to pursue post-secondary education at an established Canadian Institution, to help them in their scholastic success. We also offer guides for the Disability Tax Credit and the Child Disability Tax Credit, as well as informational resources for parents of these students to help ease their financial burden.

2022 Winner of the DCCI Scholarship for Canadian Students with Disabilities

This year, we are proud to announce the recipient of the 2022 Scholarship for Canadian Students with Disabilities, Jazye Monieas. Jazye is a high school senior from Winnipeg, Manitoba, pursuing post-secondary education in kinesiology to further her educational journey and ultimately learn how to assist others in overcoming their injuries or impairments so that they can live better and fuller lives.


Jazye suffers from difficulties reading, writing, and speaking, as well as various other challenges with her language skills due to her dyslexia. Yet despite the daily challenges she faces living with Dyslexia, she persevered and developed various tools, and coping mechanisms to help her build back her confidence with the help and assistance of friends, family, and teachers. All of these have made it possible for her to pursue her educational goal of becoming an athletic therapist for youth much like herself. From there, she hopes to assist others in recovering and overcoming their sports injuries so that sports can do for others what sports have done for her and provide some respite for those people during their hardship.

We have spoken with Jazye to hear more about her incredible and courageous story, and to learn more about how she has navigated the ups and downs of living with Dyslexia! In addition to learning more about her plans for what we know will be a bright and successful future in sports medicine. Having said that, let us share with you what she had to say:

1) How did you hear about our Scholarship?

While searching the internet for scholarships that were specific to me, I came across the Disability Credit Canada 2022 Scholarship for Canadian Students with Disabilities. I chose to apply because I would like to focus all or most of my attention on the school within my first year and not have to worry so much about paying for my education.

2) Please tell us about your impairments and some of the challenges you face because of them.

 My Dyslexia affects my reading, writing, and language skills. Growing up, I was extremely shy, and I was anxious and self-conscious about my reading and speech. Reading in front of others, writing and public speaking is still difficult for me.

3) What will you study at school and what are your long-term career goals?

 I will be studying Kinesiology with the goal of becoming an Athletic Therapist. Sports have always been a big part of my life and have helped me overcome many challenges and I look forward to a career doing something I love. Growing up I was playing both Volleyball and Basketball, both of which helped me to get over my shyness and build up my confidence. As a result, it is my goal to help others to recover from their sports injuries so that they can help them the same way sports have helped me.

4) How does having this impairment make pursuing a post-secondary education more challenging? Please tell us about the unique challenges you may be facing.

Having Dyslexia makes Academics challenging for me. Spelling, writing, reading, and even speaking is all the more difficult for me.  Therefore, some of the unique challenges I may be facing in university might be that assignments and exams will take me much longer than the average person, as well as difficulty presenting in front of the class. However, I have learned what tools and adaptations I need to succeed, and I have learned how to advocate for myself to be successful.

5) How does it feel to have been the recipient of this award?

Winning this award makes me feel proud and grateful.  I am very proud of myself for all I have overcome to get here.  Being chosen for this award out of all the deserving applicants is amazing to me.  I am also incredibly grateful to Disability Credit Canada for this scholarship.  It means so much to me that there are people out there who believe in me.

6) How will this scholarship help you, moving forward?

Because I have Dyslexia, my schoolwork takes me much longer than the average student’s and leaves me less time to work.  This scholarship will help me worry less about finances so that I can focus all my attention on my studies, and I am very relieved and grateful.

7) Is there a message you’d like to convey to future applicants?

I would like to tell future applicants to believe in themselves.  Yes, having a disability means that you have obstacles, but you can overcome them.  Find the people around you that are willing to help, learn what tools you need to succeed, learn how to advocate for yourself, and then be willing to work very hard.  You can do it!


Congratulations, Jazye!

We at Disability Credit Canada fully believe that Jazye, with her courage and perseverance, is heading for a bright and gratifying future in sports medicine!

Additionally, we would like to thank everyone who applied for the upcoming 2022 academic year scholarship for Canadian students with Disabilities. We wish all those students pursuing a post-secondary education this fall a safe, positive, and productive educational year ahead. All the power to you!

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