Home » Another Autism Funding Cut: Less Help for Autistic Children
Another Autism Funding Cut: Less Help for Autistic Children

I am dismayed (yet not surprised) to hear about yet another autism funding cut for children diagnosed with Autism and are over five years of age. Patrick Maloney of the London Free Press said that the cut will result in a “lost generation.”
Changes to Intensive Behavioural Intervention Therapy has parents across Ontario outraged as it has seen positive results.
“At (age) nine (after a few years of the therapy), he couldn’t cut his own food. Now, he can dice carrots better than I can. He wants to be a chef,” said Cynthia Boufford, whose 17-year-old son has autism.
The Ontario Liberals have unveiled the new Ontario Autism Program, which has more than $300 million in funding — but the plan will cut off children age five and older from the intensive behavioural intervention (IBI) therapy that families like the Bouffords so love and helped their family combat the trials brought about by autism and help her son live a normal life.
Last year there were 2,192 kids on the waiting list – what will happen to them when they reach adulthood?
Surviving the Autism Funding Cut
We at Disability Credit Canada understand how difficult the Canadian government is making life for disabled Canadians. This is why we strive to treat everyone with respect and why we are here to advocate for Disabled Canadians. We also have a guide on Child Disability Tax Credit to learn more. While lobbying for the retraction of the new law and make sure that this Autism funding cut for children over five years of age will be reversed and returned to its old state, we are also encouraging parents and caregivers to explore more options in improving childcare. To help us get through this Autism funding cut, we an explore the options of Disability Tax Credit application and the Child Disability Benefits. Both government programs are geared towards helping more families afford the cost of necessary special care, thus helping them cater to the special needs of their children diagnosed with autism.