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Child Disability Tax Benefits

The government of Canada is dedicated to giving children of all ages premiere childcare. The Child Disability Benefit helps them have fun-filled, meaningful, and free childhoods. The goal is to raise our children in holistic growth and form them as leaders and success drivers, overcoming any disability that may keep them from living to the fullest.
At Disability Credit Canada, we help your children have the best childhood possible by assisting them in applying for a disability tax credit. The amount you save from paying higher income taxes can now help pay for necessary aid in raising your children with disability. The Child Disability Benefit can help children of all ages, starting from infancy, to attending preschool all the way to high school.
The Child Disability Benefit is home to various programs that help disabled children achieve their full potential. This is funded by the government through our taxes and other resources, as well as partnerships with nonprofit charitable organizations and generous donations from private industries.
What is Child Disability Benefit and what programs are available in Canada?
The Child Disability benefit is administered and given out by the government in various child and family support programs through Service Canada or its Services for Families and Children program. These include:
1. Canada Child Tax Benefit, a tax-free monthly payment for eligible families with children under 18. This amount may include the National Child Benefit Supplement, a benefit for low-income families with children, and/or the Child Disability Benefit, for families caring for children living with severe and prolonged disabilities.
2. Child Care Subsidy, which helps low-income families through financial assistance to pay for all or part of licensed child care services for dependent children.
3. Child Rearing Drop-Out Provision for parents or caregivers with little to no income, removing from them the burden of having to make contributions to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) without having to worry about incurring a negative effect to CPP benefits for spending the years in question spent caring for a child seven years or younger.
4. Child Support Services help caregivers get important legal agreements or court orders they may need to obtain child support.
5. Child Disability Benefit, which provides a non-taxable supplement to low- and moderate-income families to offset the costs of raising children 18 and younger afflicted with severe and prolonged mental or physical disability. You can read our extensive guide on Child Disability Tax Credit to find out more.
6. Universal Child Care Benefit grants financial assistance to all Canadian families with young children, regardless of location, family circumstances or preferences. Parents can receive $100 a month for each child under the age of six.
7. Early Childhood Services and Special Needs. This is for children younger than six who have a disability, and whom may be eligible for three years of early learning support through this service.
Finally, the government’s Services for Families and Children also offers additional programs and support, including:
1. Cadets Program, administered by the Department of National Defense, gives youth between the ages of 12 and 18 the chance to develop leadership skills, improve their physical fitness and make new and positive relationships while enjoying many challenging and interesting activities.
2. The Junior Canadian Rangers Program promotes many skill-developing activities to foster traditional cultures and lifestyles to youth living in remote and isolated communities. It is supported in part by the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces with help from other levels of government and private corporations, including Northern Affairs Canada.
The government offers numerous child disability-related services to Canadian parents and legal guardians of children in need.