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Disability Credit Canada Celebrates 4 years serving disabled Canadians

We are proud to announce that we are celebrating 4 years of serving disabled Canadians and it has been a wonderful journey so far.
The team behind the success
For success to touch the peak, there is always a team that is dedicated to meeting the needs of the people who have expectations from us. We are fortunate to have a team who has always considered clients first.
Success is a step-by-step process
It started with a team of two who were passionate about helping disabled Canadians get their rights and claim their taxes.
“Our services are based upon a unique case formulation strategy, which considers multiple factors in developing the case profile, with special consideration of the nature of impairment, daily restrictions and supporting data “ said Josh , Sr. Disability Benefits Specialist.
Isaac Ohana, a business development representative has a major hand in the success of Disability Credit Canada. His enthusiasm and ability to motivate the team have contributed immensely towards success.
“It is not just client relationships that matter, what matters is how long the relationships last.” – said Isaac.
He has succeeded in maintaining long-lasting relationships with clients who have been a part of Disability Credit Canada.
Rose Ford, who is the Client Support Representative at Disability Credit Canada is the first person with whom a customer interacts and her medical background helps determine what the disability is and whether we can help the person if he is disabled.
“I love interacting with people and you can make me talk the entire day. So, talking to people and understanding their requirements and helping them has become a part of my life now” – said Rose.
Laurie Wulfand, who is a part of the customer support team is a compassionate and driven Customer Service Representative with a great knack for connecting with clients. She has earned a Winners’ Joy Award as recognition for her excellent customer service which proves her dedication.
“ When I am back home after work I list down my work for the next day and if I have cases to build I even don’t mind coming to office and work on weekends if it contributes to the welfare of clients ” – said Laurie.
Laurie helps the client communicate with the doctor’s office and get all the necessary details filled that is required to build the case.
We are proud to have a team from various backgrounds and who are ready to dedicate their life serving people with disability and contribute towards a cause.
It’s the client’s happiness that matters
We recently worked with a family whose child had global development delays and was denied on multiple occasions before using our service. After a thorough review of all available data related to the claim we requested a review from the government and the child was thankfully approved for all the years requested.
We promise to deliver our 100 % in all the coming years and help Canadians claim their disability-related taxes as we understand how important tax benefits are as disabilities can cause financial burdens we are not ready for.
We are here to help so, for any concerns or queries related to disability tax credit give us a call at 1-844-800-6020.