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Disability Tax Credit Support People With Mental Health Problems

Mental health issues in the workplace are a serious and vexing problem. No one wants to deny someone the ability to make a living and have some purpose to their life. At the same time employers have a right to expect the best from their employees, and workers afflicted with mental health issues are often only able to function at a fraction of their normal ability. An article on the Financial Post website helps put things into perspective.
The survey, of 2,219 Ontario adults, showed that 40 per cent of respondents were found to be experiencing depressive symptoms. Of that group — all between the ages of 18 and 65 who had been working for more than a year — 52.8 per cent did not perceive a need for treatment. Past studies by CAMH found that diagnosed and undiagnosed mental illnesses are estimated to cost the Canadian economy about $51 billion a year as a result of long and short-term productivity loss and health services usage.
Some of those losses are the result of the fact that employees with mental health issues are several times more likely to take sick days, develop other health problems and take more frequent short term disability leave than other employees. Even those that come to work regularly however, are likely to be less productive than they would otherwise be.
When it comes to recognizing and dealing with the mental health issues of workers an already complex situation is made even worse by the fact that many workers who are aware they have problems will nonetheless conceal this information for fear of being let go. And for the most part, their fear of what will happen to them if they lose their job is well-founded.
Depressive disorders, including anxiety and depression, account for the majority of mental health issues in the workplace. Losing a job due to depression can create a downward spiral driven by a loss of self-esteem, lost income and increased medical expenses. In many cases people struggling with depressive disorders find the only thing keeping them afloat financially is the Disability Tax Credit.
Holding the Line Against Medical Expenses with the Disability Tax Credit
For the unemployed and underemployed with mental health disorders, just keeping food on the table can be a major struggle. Anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications alone can cost upwards of several thousand dollars a year. If you’ve lost your job or have been forced to work part time due to your disability, where is the money coming from to pay for those medications? And what about the cost of therapy, hospitalizations and other health problems? Add it all up and you have a recipe for economic disaster that often results in homelessness, institutionalization, jail or death for these individuals.
Some years back the Canadian government recognized the desperate plight facing many of its disabled citizens and initiated the Disability Tax Credit to help them deal with the seemingly endless tide of medical expenses and allow them to maintain something like a normal lifestyle. The Disability Tax Credit can provide up to $40,000 per year for qualified individuals and families. In some cases they may also be eligible for up to 10 years of retroactive benefits as well. Many disabled Canadians have taken advantage of this groundbreaking program and received the assistance they need to maintain a stable home life while they fight the battle against their disability.
Contact Us Today to Find Out How the Disability Tax Credit Could Help You Too
Disability Credit Canada has been on the forefront of advocacy for Canada’s disabled citizens, making sure they receive the maximum amount they’re entitled to under the Disability Tax Credit. We know the process inside and out and stand by your side right up to final approval to ensure there are no missteps or oversights that could cause problems. Call us today on 1-855-765-4458 to find out more about this important program and discover if you qualify. Remember: the Disability Tax Credit was designed to help people like yourself who are overwhelmed by health-related medical costs. So don’t delay; call us today and get the help you need.