Disability Tax Credit Eligibility for Canadians with Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a common affliction that causes back and leg pain, usually in men and women over 50 years of age. This pain can interfere with day-to-day tasks and make certain types of work impossible.
What Is Spinal Stenosis?
Spinal stenosis is caused by a narrowing of the open spots in your spine, which in turn put pressure on the spinal cord itself and the nerves within your spin. This condition affects men and women equally, but it is almost unheard of in anyone under the age of 30. Here are symptoms of spinal stenosis:
- Neck pain
- Back pain
- Leg pain
- Numbness
- Muscle weakness
- Bladder issues
- Problems with bowel functions
Not everyone will experience all of these symptoms, and some with spinal stenosis will experience none of these issues. However, for others, the pain and discomfort make it nearly impossible for them to perform day-to-day tasks. For these individuals, Canada’s disability tax credit is a great option to keep them financially independent.
Facts about Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis, despite being a common issue, isn’t very well known. Most people assume that back pain is merely a part of aging, but spinal stenosis goes beyond that. It can markedly restrict a person’s ability to provide for them. Luckily, Canada has disability tax credit, which helps those that are markedly restricted by financial issues. This is quite beneficial, given how common spinal stenosis can be. It is surprising how little most people know about a disease that afflicts so many. Here are some quick facts about spinal stenosis:
- Spinal stenosis is usually caused by age—Spinal stenosis is usually caused by the wear and tear that occurs over time in everyone’s spines. This wear and tear forces your spine to narrow and more pressure to be put upon your nerves and spinal cord, which can cause extreme pain.
- Injuries can cause spinal stenosis—Certain injuries can cause spinal stenosis. No matter what age you are, there is a chance you will experience spinal stenosis.
- Spinal stenosis can be inherited—If you are experiencing chronic back pain, talk to your doctor about the possibility of inheriting a small spinal canal or scoliosis.
- Too much fluoride in the body—Talk to your doctor if you think you have spinal stenosis, and see if you have too much fluoride in your body.
- Calcium deposits along the spine—Calcium deposits are another common cause of spinal stenosis and can be eliminated with proper treatment.
Spinal Stenosis: Assistance and Treatment
There are many ways to treat spinal stenosis, but when you are sick, it can be hard to find the money for treatments. Keep in mind Canada’s wonderful tax credit for disabilities if you are experiencing issues getting money together for any treatment, such as the following:
- Medicine to Reduce Swelling and Relieve Pain—Simple anti-inflammatory pills and painkillers can go a long way to help reduce pain caused by spinal stenosis.
- Physical Therapy—Physical therapy and gentle exercise can help to reduce pain and stress.
- Lower Back Brace—A brace can help to keep your back supported and thus reduce pain.
- Surgery—If the pain is too much to handle, then surgery is a good option to help reduce pain and improve mobility.
If you or someone you love is experiencing spinal stenosis, contact a doctor immediately. Fill out a disability tax form and see if you qualify for disability tax credit today.