Disability Tax Credit for Tendinitis

If you are suffering from Tendinitis you may be eligible to qualify for Disability Tax Credit. Learn how.
May 11, 2015 by dccinc

A tendon is a connective tissue that attaches the end of the muscle to the bone. Tendinitis occurs when the tendon becomes inflamed due to injury or repetitive overuse. If left untreated the condition may become For this, the Canadian government offers help to people with this condition through the Disability Tax Credit for Tendinitis.

Causes and Symptoms of Tendinitis

Tendinitis is usually the result of an injury, either a blunt trauma injury or, more typically, an injury caused by repetitive behaviour. Other conditions that may cause tendinitis include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, gout or thyroid disorders.
  • Physical abnormalities that may put stress on a particular muscle or joint.
  • Reactions to certain medicines.
  • Some types of infection.

The condition typically results in pain manifested in the tissues surrounding the affected joint. There may also be redness and swelling in the affected area accompanied by a sensation of weaknesses or numbness. Other symptoms tend to be specific to the area involved.

Diagnosis of Tendinitis

Tendinitis can usually be diagnosed by a physician during a routine physical exam. Tenderness, redness, restricted movement and swelling are all things the doctor will take note of during the exam. Range of motion tests may also be indicated and any restriction or pain noted. The information gained during the exam along with the patient’s medical history will all contribute to the diagnosis.

Disability Tax Credit for Tendinitis and Other Support

In some cases symptoms may pass on their own. Most other cases however will require some form of treatment plan to relieve the pain and inflammation associated with the condition and to help the patient regain range of motion and optimal functionality. The treatment regimen will likely include:

  • Rest – Resting the affected tendon is a key component in any recovery plan. In most cases this will not lead to significant disruption of the patient’s lifestyle, unless the afflicted tendon resides in an area key to the patient’s motor functions: like the knee or heel. In those cases a reinforcing brace may be used to provide additional support.
  • Pain relief – NSAIDs such as ibuprofen are commonly suggested for the treatment of pain and inflammation. In Canada, they can be purchased over the counter with no prescription necessary. In severe cases steroids may be injected directly into the tendon sheath to provide the desired pain relief.
  • Physical therapy – Athletes in particular may undertake protracted and progressive physical therapy regimens in order to slowly rebuild function and strengthen the tendon. Patients less inclined to strenuous activity may still need physical therapy but the duration and intensity will be more modest in scope.

In some cases surgery may be required in order to ensure the eventual return of optimal function and/or to remove inflamed tissue from the affected area.

However, Tendinitis symptoms usually respond to treatment and do not require surgery. Once recovered however, the patient may need to consider changes in their workload or, if they are an athlete, they may need to modify the focus or intensity of their training in order to avoid a recurrence of the condition.

If you are suffering from Tendinitis you should contact us and learn about your rights, you me be eligible to receive up to $40,000 in your Disability Tax Credit for Tendinitis.

Call us for a FREE consultation today! We are here to help you every step of the way of your Disability Tax Credit for Tendinitis application.

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