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Disability Tax Credit Ease the Financial Strain of Epileptic

It has long been known among epilepsy researchers that the condition can cause cognitive impairment in the afflicted. Up to this point, there has been precious little by way of treatments that would work effectively to counteract such negative effects but a recent study by the University of Toronto along with Canada’s Hospital for Sick Children may point a new way forward. A recent article on epilepsynews.com picks up the story:
(the study) aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a computerised working memory program called Cogmed using a well-defined population of children with epilepsy… 77 children with symptomatic epilepsy, all of whom were taking some form of medication, were randomly assigned to receive an intervention using Cogmed or to a control group.
All of the participants “…displayed significant weaknesses in mental performance, attention spans and working memory compared to those unaffected by epilepsy… Results support group improvement on some untrained tasks immediately post-intervention, demonstrating preliminary usefulness of Cogmed as a treatment option.
For a disease that’s been well-known to the medical community for more than 2,000 years breakthroughs in treatment have been painfully slow in coming so the results from Canada represent one of the more exciting bits of news in recent times. More progress, however, is urgently needed as many afflicted with epilepsy find themselves either partially or totally disabled and are being kept afloat financially by government programs like the Disability Tax Credit.
In many cases that is because they have difficulty finding and keeping good jobs. The unemployment rate for epileptics is estimated to be well over 25% and epileptics are far more likely than non-epileptics to drop out of high school; meaning they are starting at a double disadvantage in the job market. Epileptics are also barred by law from many trades and barred by practice from many others. Companies often find that hiring an epileptic can significantly increase their insurance premiums and so will find discreet ways to keep them off the payroll.
All this adds up to epileptics needing a helping hand from some source to keep a roof over their heads and to pay for their current treatments, which can cost as much as 10,000 a year for an individual with uncontrolled or uncontrollable seizures. And that’s just direct medical costs and does not take into consideration lost wages due to underemployment or unemployment, child care, special transportation costs (since most are not allowed to drive), and even special education courses.
Canadians With Epilepsy Depend on the Disability Tax Credit
Some 250,000 Canadians have one form of epilepsy or another. With employment so hard to come by many struggle just to put food on the table. For these people, the Disability Tax Credit mentioned earlier is an invaluable tool that helps them keep their home, keep their family together, and stay with their prescribed treatments. Without it the overall quality of life in Canada would suffer.
Unfortunately, many Canadians disabled by epilepsy are not taking advantage of this unique and successful program either because they believe (wrongly in most cases) that they are not eligible or they’ve been intimidated by the process of claiming benefits. Some have even attempted to apply for the program benefits themselves only to be turned down.
Your First Port of Call: Disability Credit Canada
When you enlist the help of our Disability Credit Canada benefits specialists you can rest assured they’ll monitor your application closely during every phase of the approval process (To get more information about Disability Tax Credit form T2201 read our guide). We work with the area’s top medical professionals to secure proper documentation and other support materials to strengthen your case and keep our ears to the ground to anticipate problems, avoid bureaucratic logjams, and meet all necessary filing deadlines. If you are eligible, we’ll get you approved.
Call the professionals at Disability Credit Canada today at 1-855-765-4458 and see the difference having a powerful ally in your corner can make. If you were previously turned down call us anyway. We may be able to have your denial overturned. Call today.