Home » Disability Tax Credit: Relief For People With ASD and Parkinsons
Disability Tax Credit: Relief For People With ASD and Parkinsons

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a baffling, increasingly common condition that affects a person’s ability to effectively interact with the world around them. It is usually diagnosed early in life. Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating, degenerative disease that affects the central nervous system and slowly robs a person of control over their motor functions. It is most prevalent in people over 60. Until now the two conditions have never been linked, but a new study may change that.
An article on autism sheds light on the major findings of the study conducted by the University of Western Australia and the University of North Carolina.
In the first part of the study, the investigators found high rates of Parkinson’s motor signs (trembling, rigidity, instability, etc.) in a broad investigation of health issues among 19 adults with autism in their fifties and older.
The researchers then followed up with a more-targeted assessment for Parkinson symptoms in another 18 adults with autism in their forties or older. In this group, they found 12 participants (32 percent) met the basic diagnostic criteria for Parkinson’s.
As the article points out Parkinson’s affects about one-tenth of 1 percent of the overall population. To find it in 32 percent of the people in a particular group is more than interesting, it’s disturbing for a number of reasons.
First, these individuals are already trying to build a sustainable life for themselves while dealing with one formidable affliction, ASD. Second, with the exploding number of ASD cases worldwide the implication is that in 20 – 30 years the world could be facing a Parkinson’s pandemic. Finally, having to deal with two chronic, debilitating conditions is more than most anyone can bear financially without substantial assistance from programs like the Disability Tax Credit.
While it’s difficult to see an upside in these new findings the study’s primary author, Dr Joe Piven of UNC notes that: “…autism and Parkinson’s share many overlapping characteristics… The overlap suggests that the two disorders may share similar underlying biology… and might even respond, in some cases, to similar treatments.”
The possibility that a unified treatment regimen may be effective in relieving the symptoms of both conditions provides an important ray of hope for the future. But even if true it’s only a beginning and it doesn’t address the current situation.
Get Help For Your Parkinson’s Expenses From the Disability Tax Credit
Recent Canadian studies make clear the importance of the Disability Tax Credit for Parkinson’s sufferers who face some of the most extraordinary medical bills of any group, anywhere. Parkinson’s drugs are some 300% more expensive than drugs to treat other afflictions and Parkinson’s sufferers need longer, more frequent hospitalizations as well. Without effective financial aid, many with Parkinson’s become completely dependent on families that are ill-equipped to handle the onslaught of related expenses.
If you or someone you know is suffering from ASD or Parkinson’s (or both) you need the fundamental financial assistance the Disability Tax Credit can provide. If your t2201 application is approved you may even be eligible to claim up to 10 years of benefits retroactively. We can help you claim the full amount you’re entitled to. We’re Disability Credit Canada and we’ve helped scores of disabled Canadians get the assistance they so desperately need.
Get in Touch With Our Experts to Learn More About the Disability Tax Credit
If you’ve never heard of the Disability Tax Credit, give us a call and let us explain what it can do for you. If you’ve attempted to claim this important benefit in the past but were put off by the confusing DTC application process, we can help. And if you’ve applied in the past and been denied there is a good chance we can get your denial reversed.
We’re proud of the work we do advocating on behalf of our fellow citizens. Many would never see a penny in assistance from this vital program if not for calling us, and we’d like to help you too. All it takes is a phone call to set the wheels in motion. One phone call to Disability Credit Canada at 1-855-765-4458. Remember: you have nothing to lose but a mountain of medical bills.