Disability Tax Credit an ideal Fiscal shield for MS Patients

November 15, 2015 by dccinc

A new Belgian study is raising hopes that there may finally be a way to offset some of the worst effects of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) by introducing sufferers early on to an intense cardio exercise regime. The findings, while preliminary, nonetheless represent one of the most promising therapeutic breakthroughs yet in the fight against this crippling disease. A new article on multiplesclerosisnewtoday.com delves into the results and implications.

Due to the symptoms caused by MS, patients often have a more sedentary lifestyle that may promote the loss of muscle strength and exercise capacity, which can further affect the patient’s quality of life.

Researchers have long known that moderate exercise can have a beneficial effect and allow MS patients to manage their symptoms better. However the Belgian study represents the first concrete proof that “more is better” when it comes to cardio work for MS patients.

…the research team concluded that 12 weeks of high intensity cardiovascular exercise combined with resistance training is well-tolerated by MS patients, and most importantly, it can lead to an improvement in muscle plasticity, strength and endurance capacity. Interval training seemed to be superior to continuous training. The authors believe that exercise and rehabilitation programs can offer clinical benefits for patients living with MS.

To be sure the results suggest limited applicability of this type of therapy for patients with advanced MS. For many of them other forms of therapy will need to be developed and until that day they will lean heavily on assistance from programs like the Disability Tax Credit; a program which, at the very least, can enable them to rein in their skyrocketing healthcare costs.

A UK study found that MS sufferers who had lost their jobs due to their disability faced nearly $40,000 per year in medical and other costs associated with their disease. That cost did not include emergency room visits or other types of extraordinary costs that are all too familiar to MS patients. That study was published in 2008 as well which means that, adjusted for inflation, the cost today is closer to $45,000. Astonishing numbers and ones which point to the magnitude of the financial struggle MS sufferers – already grappling with formidable physical, mental and emotional struggles – must face.

Families Held Together by the Disability Tax Credit

The cost of MS cannot simply be calculated in dollars and cents since, in Canada, women are twice as likely to develop MS as men are. No one can yet scientifically account for this fact but the impact it has on many Canadian families cannot be overstated. Children witnessing the slow decline of their mother and primary caregiver suffer a grave emotional toll and may require counseling themselves to deal with the situation.

The Disability Tax Credit was created specifically for the purpose of helping families affected by MS and other disabilities cope with excessive healthcare costs that can undermine their quality of life to an often staggering degree. Eligible citizens may claim up to $40,000 per year in benefits which, for a family struggling to cope with MS-related expenses, is often the difference between survival and ruin. Certain individuals and families may also be able to claim up to 10 years of retroactive benefits as well.

The Disability Tax Credit operates under the premise that it is better for the country as a whole if people with disabilities are able to stay in their homes and maintain a normal life, rather than being allowed to founder on the rocks of out-of-control medical costs. At Disability Credit Canada we’re firm believers in this approach and work tirelessly on behalf of our disabled clients to obtain for them the maximum benefits allowed by law.

There’s No Need to Struggle With Your Application Any Longer: Contact us Today

Perhaps not surprisingly many disabled citizens find the application and approval process to be hopelessly arcane and confusing and wind up not partaking of the substantial aid the Disability Tax Credit could provide them. Don’t let this be you. Contact Disability Credit Canada today and let us help you dig out from under the mountain of healthcare costs and achieve greater financial sustainability. Call today on 1-855-765-4458 to learn more. You can also read our Disability Tax Credit Certificate Guide to find out more about the application process.

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