Down Syndrome and the Disability Tax Credit

November 12, 2015 by dccinc

October was Down Syndrome Awareness Month and in recognition of all the amazing human beings with Down syndrome has an article composed of photos sent in by parents of their kids with the disorder. It’s a touching, eye-opening expose that demystifies Down syndrome and seeks to give these young people their due. The article starts off with a plea from one of the moms who responded with photos:

When we tell people that [our son] has Down syndrome, we wish their reaction wasn’t to say ‘I’m sorry.'” said mom Jessica Laughton. Christie Creasy added that her daughter “is just like any other child and is capable of amazing things” — a sentiment echoed by many of the parents who responded.

Adds Erin A Burger of her daughter with Down syndrome:

My daughter, Clover, is strong, brave, and capable. She loves with her whole heart. She works hard. And when she plays, she plays hard. She loves cookies, and music, and going to the park. Sounds a lot like everybody else’s kid, right?

Down syndrome occurs in approximately 1 in 600 births and is a lifelong condition. It’s caused by an extra chromosome that develops while the child is still in the womb. A typical human has 46 chromosomes, a child with Down syndrome has an extra copy of chromosome 21. For this reason the disorder is referred to by some medical professionals as “Trisomy 21”.

The redundant chromosome affects the baby’s development leading to the mental and physical symptoms we recognize as typical of Down syndrome. There is no cure for Down syndrome. Most research focuses on trying to learn why the body sometimes produces the extra chromosome and finding ways to stop this from happening.

If you have a child with Down syndrome it’s imperative that you begin therapy for him or her as early as possible. The earlier you intervene in the development of your Down syndrome child the better their odds of having a fulfilling life. Such treatments and therapies will focus on promoting mobility in your child and, when appropriate, help them develop their speaking abilities. When it comes to assisting your family with the financial load of caring for your child, you’ll also want to take advantage of the Disability Tax Credit. You can also read our guide on Disability Tax Credit for Children to find out more information.

The Disability Tax Credit Can Help Offset the Cost of Down Syndrome Care

Unfortunately, children with Down syndrome often develop eye, ear, thyroid and other health problems. It’s important that they see a doctor regularly to stay on top of these potential issues. In addition, most children with Down syndrome will require speech therapy as well as various types of physical therapy. As they get older they’ll likely require occupational therapy as well as counselling and other sessions that will teach them how to care for themselves. More intensive counselling may also be necessary to deal with emotional issues.

While necessary, all of the medical attention, treatments and therapies cost money. Sometimes quite a bit of money. No parent should have to choose between the long-term health and happiness of their child and putting food on the table or paying the electric bill. With the Disability Tax Credit they don’t have to.

The Disability Tax Credit was enacted to assist families raising children with Down syndrome – as well as other types of disabilities – meet the financial challenge posed by often suffocating healthcare costs. It can be a lifeline to such families and is often the difference between their child thriving or floundering.

Talk to the Professionals at Disability Credit Canada to Find Out More

Disability Credit Canada exists to help families obtain the maximum benefit they are entitled to under this landmark program. If you qualify that could mean as much as $40,000 worth of assistance annually. You may also be eligible to receive benefits for up to 10 years retroactively. We have helped scores of families navigate the tedious and often confusing process of applying for this important assistance and we can help you too. In fact, having Disability Credit Canada on your side can increase your chances of being approved. So don’t delay. Call Disability Credit Canada today on 1-855-765-4458 and find the relief you’ve been looking for.

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