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Disability Tax Credit for Prolonged Pain That Affects Work

Chronic pain affects millions of Canadians and costs the national economy billions of dollars a year. Contrary to popular belief, chronic pain is not something you can simply ignore until it passes. Nor is it something that will be alleviated by “being a man” or “toughing it out.” It’s a debilitating condition where pain signals to the brain take over a person’s life and become their dominant reality.
What is Chronic Pain and How Can the Disability Tax Credit Help?
Here is a brief Q&A regarding chronic pain that may help shed some light on this often misunderstood condition and its effect on working people.
- What it is? – Acute pain is a normal reaction of the nervous system intended to alert an individual to the presence of an injury. Chronic pain on the other hand is like an alarm you can’t turn off. It persists for weeks, months, and in some cases for years, upending lives and causing people to have to leave their jobs. Chronic pain has several causes but some of the most common include back injury, arthritis, neurogenic pain, and various forms of cancer.
- How Does it Affect Working People? – The long-term effects on an individual’s psyche can be devastating with feelings of depression, low self-esteem and hopelessness being common. Attempting to hold down a job while dealing with this unrelenting assault can be a herculean task that quickly gobbles up a person’s reservoir of inner fortitude.
- What Treatments are Available? – Treatment for chronic pain varies depending on the cause and the individual and may include medications as well as physical and psychological counseling to help the patient develop coping mechanisms. Acupuncture is an alternative treatment that has gained somewhat in popularity in recent years.
- Can People Work with Chronic Pain? – As mentioned above many with chronic pain make valiant efforts to work through it and maintain something like a normal life. Often though, since even the simple act of sitting can cause excruciating pain, many are forced to leave their jobs. For these people who’ve had their earning power disrupted or completely negated, financial catastrophe looms if they are unable to find help.
- What are Their Options? – For many disabled by chronic pain the Disability Tax Credit is their last and best hope of being able to stem the tide of medical costs and maintain a stable home life. Without it most would be forced to rely on the help of family and friends and when that happens the cascading effects of their disability become obvious and widespread.
Thankfully the vast majority of people will never have to deal with chronic pain. For those who do, however, a situation that at first may seem vexing and even depressing can quickly turn into one that is dire and life-altering if they are forced to resign from their jobs as a result. What can make the situation even worse is that their condition may hurt their relationships with those who would normally be expected to offer the most robust support; resulting in the sufferer becoming even more isolated. Often we have seen people suffering from chronic pain issues give up on jobs and apply for CPP disability or other long-term disability benefits.
Put Our Expertise to Work for You and Claim the Help You’re Entitled to
If you suffer from chronic pain, regardless of the cause, you may be eligible for the Disability Tax Credit. The Disability Tax Credit provides up to $40,000 per year in relief for those disabled by chronic pain and other conditions. Disability Credit Canada can help you claim these important benefits as we’ve helped scores of others do. Call us today and find out more about the Disability Tax Credit and the vital role it can play in helping you cope with and ultimately transcend chronic pain. For more information about the application process, you can read our guide on Disability Tax Credit Form.