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Disability Tax Credit Versus Other Government Programs

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) has posted a call to arms of sorts on its website exhorting Canadians to back an increase in funding for mental health programs
Over the last several years, governments at different levels across the country have made investments in mental health and addiction services… Yet, in spite of this, evidence shows that what we are currently doing does not meet the needs of all Canadians. Programs and services are not as effective as they could be and there are still long wait times for people to get the care they urgently need.
To deal with the services shortfall they propose the creation of a Mental Health Transition and Innovation Fund which they say would be used to “better plan for and integrate mental health care in primary health care settings; establish acceptable wait times for community mental health services; or set standards for accessing evidence-informed services and supports that we know help people.
Few doubt that mental illness is a serious issue that needs to be addressed effectively if it is to be prevented from acting like an anchor on the economy as a whole. A recent study by RiskAnalytica concluded that the cost to Canadian businesses from workers affected by various mental health issues is more than $6 billion annually. And that doesn’t take into account the costs to the health care system.
The fact is, many workers would be able to assume a more productive role if they had better access to more effective care. The rise in productivity alone would then have ripple effects throughout the economy that would wind up returning several times the investment to society.
The CMHA is calling for mental health-related expenditures to be increased from 7 to 9 percent of the federal government’s healthcare budget and for an overall increase of 2 percent in social spending on mental health from the current levels. In many cases, it’s not a matter of needing new programs and initiatives but instead properly funding the programs that are already in place.
Programs like the Disability Tax Credit have helped thousands of individuals and their families disabled by mental health-related issues find the assistance they need to hold back the rising tide of medical expenses. But more needs to be done because this is not just an issue affecting the adult population.
It’s estimated that more than 1 million children in Canada suffer from some form of mental health issue and the majority of them are not getting the care they need because their families simply can’t afford it. The situation is, in effect, a long-term disaster unfolding in slow motion and will continue to unfold unless something is done to stop it. If you have a child with a disability, you can read out Child Disability Tax Credit Eligibility Guide to find out if you qualify.
Effective Stopgaps Like the Disability Tax Credit are Often Overlooked
The cascading effects of mental health issues can be nearly as devastating as the conditions themselves: damaged careers, unemployment or underemployment, damaged relationships with family members, co-workers, neighbors, and others who simply do not understand what is happening along with an ever-growing mountain of health-related bills.
The Disability Tax Credit was created to help individuals and families who are struggling to maintain financial solvency get back on their feet and contribute to society, rather than sliding into increasingly desperate situations. At Disability Credit Canada we understand what a potent lifeline the Disability Tax Credit can be to those in need and we hold nothing back in our quest to ensure those who qualify can take full advantage of it.
Contact Us Today for Assistance With Your Application
Unfortunately, up to 50% of those eligible for the Disability Tax Credit either aren’t aware of it, have been wrongly told they don’t qualify, or find the application process overwhelming. Don’t let this happen to you. If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health condition, don’t wait for potential policy changes. Instead, contact Disability Credit Canada. We specialize in securing financial assistance like CPP disability, tax credits, and long-term disability benefits. Call us today at 1-855-765-4458 and let us help you navigate the process.