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Disability Tax Credit Helping For Costly Treat of Depression

In spite of the progress we’ve made in recent decades breaking down gender myths and stereotypes, some persist. Take for instance the myth that men shouldn’t show their feelings or be willing to discuss things that are bothering them. Even an endless number of movies and TV shows depicting men breaking through the testosterone wall to air their fears hasn’t been able to make much of a dent in that one.
Perhaps this myth is nowhere as destructive as it is when applied to depression or anxiety. A recent article tries to put the issue into some sort of meaningful perspective.
There’s an obvious stigma when it comes to men and mental health. Research suggests many men find it difficult to disclose mental illness symptoms and a recent analysis found that men are more likely not to speak up if they’re having thoughts of suicide. In a society where “being a man” is conflated with being tough, it’s hard for men to come forward and reveal they have a mental health condition.
In the article, it’s revealed that men are less likely to classify anxiety or depression as a health issue and more likely to call it a “medical problem.” Men are likely to associate anxiety with weakness. And men are also reluctant to share that they’re anxious or depressed because what they often hear in response are things like “It’ll get better” or “Grow a pair.”
The fact is, anxiety disorders don’t discriminate based on race, ethnicity, or sex. They can be triggered by any number of events or circumstances. The sufferers, particularly men, need to feel they can open up about their situation and seek help without also having to fight ancient cultural stigmas.
The societal cost of various anxiety disorders including depression is staggering and reaches into the billions of dollars. Much of that is because men tend to suffer in silence. While they won’t ask for help, their inability to focus on work means their earning power can suffer by as much as 50%. At the same time their income is taking a hit the ones who do reach out can incur significant medical expenses as well, although some will find relief through the Disability Tax Credit.
Making Sense of the Disability Tax Credit Application Process
The scope of the problem is difficult to overstate. The Canadian Mental Health Association estimates anxiety disorders, including depression, affect up to 5% of the population and that suicide is a leading cause of death among both sexes between teenage years and middle age. In the U.S. the National Institutes of Health estimated in 2005 that the cost of treating anxiety disorder was on average more than $6,000 per year. And that figure does not include lost wages due to missed work or underemployment.
Trying to get a handle on such costs while at the same time dealing with a decreased capacity to work creates a downward spiral some will not pull out of. The Disability Tax Credit exists precisely to assist people in such dire circumstances to transcend their situation and get the help they so urgently need.
The problem is those suffering from severe depression or other anxiety disorders typically find it extremely difficult to muster the effort to take on the often confusing and time-consuming task of applying for the Disability Tax Credit. They may desperately need the assistance but are paradoxically some of the least likely to apply for it due to the nature of their disability. At Disability Credit Canada we’ve helped many of our fellow Canadians disabled with anxiety disorders get the help they need by being the advocates for the cause they are unable to be.
Don’t Suffer in Silence: Contact Disability Credit Canada Today for Help
Call us at 1-855-765-4458 and see how Disability Credit Canada can make a difference. We specialize in securing financial assistance for disabled Canadians, including CPP disability, Tax Credits, and Long-Term Disability benefits. We’re with you every step of the way, ensuring your application is successfully approved.