Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis afflicting nearly 10 percent of all men and nearly 18 percent of all women. OA attacks the cartilage that occupies the joints of the body and causes it to wear away, leaving behind painful disfigurement and turning once vibrant human beings into immobile figures unable to […]
A tendon is a cord-like material that attaches muscle to bone. When you flex a muscle the tendon pulls on the bone and movement is achieved. On occasion, a tendon is asked to do too much and breaks down resulting in pain and inflammation. This condition is known as “tendinitis” and it afflicts millions of […]
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease in which your body’s natural defense system turns on you and attacks the synovial membrane in the joints. The immediate effects are inflammation, tenderness, and stiffness of the joint areas. As the disease progresses erosion of the connective tendons is followed by destruction of the joints themselves […]
Tendons are the thick, super-strong, rope-like material that connects the end of your muscles to your bones. If you subject one of your tendons to overuse, pain and inflammation can result. This is called tendinitis. The condition can strike anyone but most commonly afflicts those who engage in regular, repetitive physical activity like: Tennis players […]
When most people think of rheumatoid arthritis they think of the pain, lost function, deformity, and financial burden that can come with it. And while it is true that RA can be a disfiguring, debilitating monster in many respects, the reality is that if you have RA you still need to try and have a […]
If you currently find yourself struggling with a physical or mental disability, life is more difficult than it should be. You may be unable to work, and if you can work at all, your income is almost certainly reduced. Your family is probably having a harder time making ends meet than you did before the […]
There are few things in life more difficult than suffering from a physical or mental disability. First there is grappling with the condition itself, then dealing with possible feelings of depression and uselessness. And if you’re unable to work, you and your family may be struggling to get by on a reduced income. Fortunately for […]
Suffering from a long-term physical or mental disability is one the worst situations anyone can face. Most likely your condition causes limited mobility and near-constant physical pain. You may also find yourself unable to work, or at least work as much as you want to. Being stuck at home most of the day can lead […]
Millions of Canadians are out of work due to debilitating physical and mental conditions. While these people should be able to focus on getting healthy, the unfortunate fact is that life doesn’t stop when injury or illness strikes. Bills come due and daily expenses must be covered. If you are one of these people, you […]
You probably thought it would never happen to you. Being unable to work because of a serious injury or severe mental or physical condition. Between trying to restore your health and struggling to make ends meet with a drastically reduced income, life can feel like a constant struggle. Even worse, your family may be suffering […]
When you’re unable to work because of a serious injury, illness, or other condition, it’s difficult to find reasons to be optimistic. First, there is the actual condition itself. Then there are expenses for medical treatment and physical therapy. On top of that, your income is greatly reduced, or in some cases, eliminated. Without question, […]
“Dyslexia” is a general term that refers to any disability that limits your ability to read or comprehend language while not affecting intelligence. Dyslexia is the most common learning disorder, affecting upwards of 15% of people in North America. Part of what makes the issue of dyslexia so pressing, however, is how hard it is […]