Austin: ADHD & DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)

Austin is a 6 years old boy from Plum Coulee, MB. Diagnosed with ADHD & DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder).
The family received retroactive Disability tax credits of $30, 493.14
January 26, 2019 by dccinc

Austin is a 6-year-old boy from Plum Coulee, MB. Diagnosed with ADHD & DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)

Austin’s DCD makes him fall over often, his coordination and balance are very bad, he has violent outbursts, is very sensitive to sound, and jumps from topic to topic easily.
Austin’s parents spent a great deal of money and time providing Austin with speech therapists as well as worked with their school system to get IEP and teacher assistants.
Here at Disability Credit Canada, we collected all the documents we could from Austin’s doctors and school then formulated his case and worked with the family doctor on the initial t2201 (the disability tax credit form).
The CRA received the t2201 but deemed it insufficient so they sent a follow-up form to the pediatrician requesting additional information.
When we received the CRA’s questionnaire we reviewed the questions, interviewed the parents again, worked with the Dr. on the new questions, and compiled additional documentation to support the additional requests from the CRA.

The CRA received the questionnaire and approved Austin from 2013 to 2023 and the family received retroactive Disability tax credits of $30, 493.14

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