Disability Tax Credit a Relief for People With ADHD and Autism

November 30, 2015 by dccinc

Autism and  ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) have long been considered separate conditions because the former primarily affects the way children develop socially while the latter primarily affects the way children develop mentally. Recent studies, however, have cast a cloud of doubt over the thesis that the conditions are unrelated because they seem to show that as many as 30% of children with autism may also have ADHD; a far higher rate than would normally be expected. At Disability Credit Canada, we have published a guide on disability tax credits for children. It gives information about tax credit eligibility for parents caring for children with autism.

An article at huffingtonpost.com addresses the new findings and starts by laying out the differences between the two disorders beginning with autism:

Autism is a disorder of child development in which social skills do not develop as expected. More severe impairment involves children who may barely interact with others around them, and have quite limited language. On the other end of the spectrum are fairly extroverted children who seek out others and often relate well with adults, yet have a hard time understanding how to get along with children.

Children with ADHD also manifest difficulties with many types of social interactions. They’re often extremely talkative, wander from topic to topic, and interrupt others when they’re speaking.  But the differences between ADHD and autism in this regard are subtle, as the article demonstrates:

The best one-line description of ADHD may come from Dr. Russell Barkley who said, “ADHD is not a disorder of not knowing what to do, it is a disorder of not doing what you know.” This concept also helps separate ADHD from autism, as children with ADHD typically know the social rules, they just don’t know how to follow them yet.

Yet as the new data indicates, even this type of clear, easy-to-understand explanation of ADHD and Autism disorders may soon have to be discarded as the degree and nature of the newly discovered overlap is probed and its mysteries revealed.

Indeed this diagnostic overlap may signal a new direction is necessary in research aimed at getting to the bottom of both conditions (if indeed they are two separate conditions). It may also go some way toward explaining why some who’ve been diagnosed with one or the other condition never seem to respond to treatment in any substantive way. For such individuals, their only lifeline to a sense of normalcy is often the Disability Tax Credit.

Disability Tax Credit the Last Line of Defense for Many

The cost of raising an autistic child is staggering. A recent American study puts the lifetime amount at more than $2.4 million with those costs front-loaded to when the person is young. While insurance will cover some of those costs most will have to be borne by the family of the afflicted.

While not quite as bleak, it’s nonetheless a similar picture for families raising a child with ADHD. And while adults with ADHD don’t find it as difficult to find employment as adults with autism, both groups are woefully underrepresented in the workforce meaning that not only are they likely to be unemployed but they must also find a way to cover their extraordinary medical debt.

If you or someone you know suffers from ADHD and Autism they or their family may be eligible to receive relief under the Disability Tax Credit. The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) was designed to help the disabled better deal with the unrelenting tide of medical expenses associated with their disability. You may be eligible for up to $40,000 in annual assistance to help you deal with your or your family member’s disability. In addition, you may qualify for up to 10 years of retroactive benefits. If you have or know someone who has children suffering from ADHD, you can read our guide on Child Disability Tax Credit to find our more information.

Want Help With Your Application? We’re Just a Phone Call Away

Disability Credit Canada has been leading the way in helping the disabled navigate the DTC’s complex and tedious application process. Our benefit specialists understand the nuances of the process and make sure no details are ever overlooked. We’ve helped scores of our fellow citizens get the help they need to transcend the financial difficulties created by their disability and we can help you too.

Don’t waste another day dreading the arrival of the post or trying to decide if you should pay the utility bill or get the medication you or your family member needs. Call us today and together, we will start the process of reclaiming your life from the scourge of outrageous medical expenses.

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