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Disability Tax Credit for ADHD or ADD
ADD and ADHD: Personal and Sociological Effects and Treatment Options
ADD/ADHD is a condition affecting both children and adults; with estimates suggesting approximately 300,000 or more Canadians are diagnosed each year. Both diseases cause disabling symptoms that impede development and impair social function. Canadians afflicted with ADHD and/or ADD may be eligible for government support through the Disability Tax Credit for ADHD or ADD.
What is ADD/ADHD and What are the Symptoms?
ADHD is a mental disorder that interferes with the learning process, impedes social and cognitive development, and can be a precursor to a variety of other conditions. ADD/ADHD diagnoses are organized into one of three categories based on the patient’s behavior. The categories include:
- Inattention—Symptoms of inattention include being easily distracted by noise or activity, daydreaming, not focusing on the speaker during conversations, inability to pay attention or complete tasks, organizational difficulty, and impaired self-control.
- Hyperactivity—Symptoms include difficulty sitting still or continuous fidgeting, talking excessively at inappropriate times, issues with remaining seated, running, climbing, and constantly on the go.
- Impulsivity—Behaviors include self-control issues such as interrupting conversations or shouting answers in a classroom environment, disturbing others on purpose, having trouble grabbing things, hitting others, and making rash impulsive decisions.
While these symptoms can vary with age, a majority of the diagnosing factors remain the same throughout. In addition to the above symptoms, those with ADHD often suffer from other mental conditions including:
- Anxiety disorders
- Depression
- Learning disabilities
- Behavioral and conduct disorders
Each of these conditions can cause severe mental or physical impairments as defined by health professionals and the services that provide information on Canada’s Disability Tax Credit. ADD/ADHD is a medically recognized condition and requires treatment from a physician.
Treating ADD/ADHD
Only a physician can diagnose ADD/ADHD and suggest recommendations for treatment. Numerous treatment options are available, and each can be performed independently or in conjunction with one another. If the condition is severe and impedes with a person’s ability to work or perform in school, assistance can be found by applying for the child disability tax credit, or completing an application for the Canadian Disability Credit.
Some options for the treatment of ADD/ADHD include:
- Management of the disease with medications such as Ritalin, Adderall or others
- Behavioral counseling and treatment
- Routine community care and counseling
- Dietary changes and other life alterations
Research has shown the most success comes from a combination of all treatment paths, which is further reason any person or family member diagnosed with this condition should complete an application to receive a tax credit for disability.
Disability Tax Credit for ADHD or ADD and Other Support
With proper treatment, those who suffer from ADD/ADHD can thrive and achieve just as much as the rest of society. Places to turn to for treatment support include:
- At Disability Credit Canada, we help you complete your Disability Tax Credit for ADHD or ADD application to be eligible for support from the Canadian government (Read our Disability Tax Credit Guide for Children to find out more information).
- The Canadian Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Resource Alliance (CADDRA)—A not-for-profit alliance of health care professionals providing support to patients and families.
- CADDAC—The Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada is a non-profit umbrella organization that provides advocacy for other ADHD organizations and individual patients. They also provide up-to-date research and financial support or assistance with completing the Disability Tax Credit form.
- The Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)—Provides information, resources, and networking opportunities for adults with ADHD. They offer a professional ADHD therapist directory and assistance with support groups.
For more information about diagnosis and treatment of this condition, or assistance in applying for financial assistance, contact your primary care physician for recommendations.
A Parents Guide to ADHD & Disability Tax Credit