People diagnosed with invisible disabilities such as ADHD, dyslexia, and any other type of learning disability are finding it difficult to pass through the education system like the general population. This is mainly due to the high cost as well as the lack of preparation going into college and university. A recent article in The […]
People suffering from autism are finding it more and more difficult to find jobs after finishing their education. Despite applying to hundreds of job adverts, it is not only difficult to get calls but also difficult to pass the interview process. Sometimes, just sharing the fact that one is diagnosed with autism can reduce the […]
A lot of people have a wrong perception of down syndrome. This is mainly due to the wrong image that is being fed by society. This leads to many people with prejudice and a lack of knowledge about down syndrome. A recent article in Huffington Post shines a light on these stereotypes and gives examples […]
The on-going paralympics in Rio has so far been a great success not only for the athletes from around the world but also for the popularity of disabled sports such as wheelchair basketball, blind skiing, etc. A recent article in CBC news by Blair Sanderson shines light on how para-sports in Canada is bridging the […]
According to Statistics Canada, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common conditions in children. It also states that boys are three times more likely to develop ADHD than girls and the symptoms usually arise between the ages of three and five (Find out more about disability tax credit for ADHD). The number of […]
People suffering from Fibromyalgia have a really hard time dealing with their disability and are sometimes even pushed to retire prematurely. They are usually dealing with a lot of pain which can lead to them being unable to conduct daily activities. A recent article in Fibromyalgia News Today by Robin Dix talks about a study […]
It’s back to school time and many households are dealing with the nerve-jangling ritual that comes along. However, there are many parents in Ontario with autistic children that have a different set of worries than a typical family does (Read more about the Ontario disability tax credit). A recent change in Ontario’s autism services for […]
The province of Ontario usually has very strict rules when determining if you can be considered disabled or not (Please read our guide on disability tax credit in Ontario). One question that has been up for debate for a long period is whether a miscarriage in women is considered a disability. Many said ‘yes’ while […]
Many people are unaware of intellectual disabilities and how hard and challenging it can be not only for the disabled but also for the ones caring for them. Intellectual disability limits intellectual functioning as well as adaptive behavior. This includes many day-to-day activities that the disabled are not able to perform and require the assistance […]
Many disabled Canadians today are finding it hard to get employment. This is despite the fact that many have good qualifications and are perfectly capable of doing the job. It makes it harder for disabled Canadians to pursue a career of their choice and mostly has to settle for jobs that they don’t really like […]
When people hear the word ‘disability’, they typically create the image of a person in a wheelchair in their mind. However, what many people are unaware of is the fact that disability doesn’t have to be visible. Millions of disabled people around the world show no signs of disability on the outside because their disability […]
People who don’t have or care for a child with autism, have a completely different picture of an autistic child than ones who actually care for one. These people are mostly exposed to autistic children through feel-good media stories. Stories such as an autistic child who gets to be a manager of a high school […]